VeriTrace works with your business to create a secure design solution based on a full understanding of your identity, products, supply chain and security needs. Together, we’ll create a label, tape, seal, tax stamp, document or solution designed to meet your security needs.

What We Can Do

VeriTrace’s security design experience and secure print technologies are as unique and dynamic as your requirements. We combine technologies and graphic elements to maximize the anti-counterfeit features of each project. Let us design a solution that enhances your image while defeating counterfeiters. Here are just some of the print features we offer:


Currency-level printing method that
takes label design to the next level.



Create two or more patterns generated
to display intricate designs that cannot
be replicated.


Fine lines and font create unique patterns printed at high resolutions.

LATENT images

Semi-covert printed images hidden within a pattern that is only possible with intaglio.

Brand Protection Consulting


There is more to protecting your brand from counterfeiters and IP theft than just labels. Secure labels are one aspect of a multi-layered security solution that includes supply chain security, investigation and support.

Our experts are ready to build a robust brand protection solution for your business.


To learn more about our secure print design services and brand protection consulting, PLEASE cALL 513.202.0790 OR EMAIL SALES@VERITRACE.COM

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